Web Technology Institute

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Picture of Judy Cannon
Checking in with students...
by Judy Cannon - Wednesday, 28 April 2010, 12:50 PM
Hi, HTML I and CSS students:

I've answered a few questions in the forums, but I'm not getting a lot of questions. This usually means students are doing really well, or are completely lost smile

So, I'm checking in with all of you, to let you know I am here to help!

Also, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need extra support (beyond asking your questions in the class forums), I can arrange a private chat with you, using the chat room inside your class area. Please limit your requests to chat to times when you really cannot ask questions via the forums, or you have tried this, and are still having difficulty.

You can request a private chat by sending me a private message, and we can determine a time that works for both of us to meet in the chat room. Please state why you want to chat in your message. I am offering this as a way to help students who are really struggling.

The forums have a lot of features that go unused most of the time. For example, you can upload files there, so that we can see your actual code, and try out your code in a Web browser. So, please take advantage of these features as much as possible when you ask questions.

I will be sending out the Unix account information to HTML I students tomorrow, so you can start uploading files to the Webtrain server. Please be sure to read the FTP section of the class, in order to understand what the accounts are for, and how to use them. I will send these out via private messages, in order to keep your passwords private.

That is it for now - I hope you are all enjoying the classes!

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