Web Technology Institute

Site news

Picture of Judy Cannon
Fall Classes Announcement
by Judy Cannon - Thursday, 15 August 2013, 12:20 PM

I have two announcements that I wanted to be sure all students who are registered on my Moodle website are aware of, so I am sending out this message to all registered users. (You can control your email preferences in your profile area).

First, there is confusion about my Intro to Programming classes this Fall semester. The online class is the regular Intro to Programming class that Webmaster Certificate students should take. The in-classroom version, with the same name ITSE-1003 is a Java SE 7 Certification class that is only for students who are seeking certification as a Java programmer. Please do not take the classroom version unless you are committed to seeking Java SE 7 Certification.

Second, a new class, Responsive Web Design and Cross-Browser Compatibility, is available online. I wrote this class to address many of the questions I get about making websites work across different browsers, and also to help designers learn how to make websites work for desktop computers, tablets and smartphones without having to code three (or more) different websites. Responsive Web Design is very hot topic among designers right now, so I wanted to be sure you all know about this new class.

As always, all the information and schedules are online at http://www.austincc.edu/webcert - and registration has to be through ACC to get ACC credit for the classes.

I also offer most of the same classes without ACC credit, via PayPal, on my website, and want you to be aware of that option. Please do not pay for any classes on my website that you want to count toward the Webmaster Certificate Program.

That is all I have for now,
