Web Programming Courses

"Web Programming is a challenging and rewarding career!  Front-end skills, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are being used in all industries now, and many companies expect their employees to have some knowledge of this technology. This will only increase exponentially going forward."

                                                                                                                                 Judy Cannon

WTI Owner

Welcome aspiring Web Developers!

If you purchased your class through Austin Community College, please do not pay for it again here!! Community College students will receive a welcome email on the first day of class, with instructions for starting their class.

To start your class, click on the name of your class below, then click the button to request enrollment. I can then add you to your class.

If you are not an ACC student, you can pay me directly for classes using Paypal.

My current ACC Schedule: 

This is my current ACC schedule. Students are responsible for knowing the start and end dates of their classes:

Month Start End Instructor
August 2024 8/05 8/30 Cannon
September 2024 9/09 10/04 Cannon

October 2024

10/14 11/04


November 2024 11/12 12/06


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    Available courses

    Development of basic knowledge of programming concepts and techniques. Using C-Language as a teaching vehicle, this course will expose students to the basic programming concepts they need for further work with programming languages. Prerequisites: End-user familiarity with computers, the Internet.

    Introduction to WWW Authoring, HTML and CSS is a foundation class that teaches the basics of Hypertext Markup Language coding and Cascading Style Sheets. The class begins with the history of the Web and a look at how it operates, then goes on to a more technical look at HTML and CSS.

    Intermediate Web Authoring, HTML and CSS is the second part of a three part series of classes on the fundamentals of Website Design, HTML and CSS coding. This class introduces more complex HTML structures, including HTML Tables and Forms, and the CSS required to style them.

    Advanced WWW Authoring, HTML and CSS is the third in the WWW Authoring series. The class covers new constructs in HTML5 and CSS3, including several HTML5 APIs, CSS3 selectors and media queries. Students also learn how to layout Web pages using the CSS3 Grid system.

    An introduction to scripting languages for the Web using Javascript. Javascript is the most popular scripting language for front-end Web Development, and this course covers basic features of the language, including code placement, input/output, events and event handlers, methods, functions, Objects and the Document Object Model.

    PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a server side programming language that you embed into documents, such as HTML files. PHP is great for creating pages on the fly, and can be used to make guest books, message boards and other interactive pages. Many complex Web applications used today are programmed using PHP/MySQL, such as the Wordpress Blogging platform, and many content management systems, such as Moodle, Joomla, Drupal, etc. Many MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games), like Mafia Wars, are programmed in PHP. Learn the programming aspects of PHP - variables, operators, hashes, arrays and control stuctures in this beginning PHP programming course.

    Prerequisites: HTML I and II (or experience writing HTML), and Intro to Programming or basic programming knowledge.

    In this course you will learn the basics of using the HTML5 Canvas element with Javascript, to implement fundamental game mechanics like rendering and moving images, collision detection, control mechanisms, and winning and losing states. You will create a complete break-out style game for your portfolio that demonstrates your knowledge of game mechanics in Javascript.

    Node.js is a framework used to develop highly-scalable applications which can handle tens of thousands of simultaneous client connections efficiently.

    It is intended to build scalable network programs easily, and it can be used to develop web applications accountable to high traffic.

    Node.js is based on V8 JavaScript Engine.

    Learn how to program for E-Commerce in PHP and MySQL. Investigate a complete shopping cart program written in PHP/MySQL, learn how the database is structured, and write PHP code to enhance its functionality. Students will install XAMMP to provide a Web Server and PHP/MySQL programming environment on their computers, and then work with applications like PHPMyAdmin to view and perform database operations.

    Responsive Web Design is a fundamental shift in design for multiple devices and screen sizes. Cross-browser compatibility lets us code feature rich sites that work with both new and old browsers. This course introduces flexible grid layouts and coding techniques used to keep up with constantly changing requirements. Prerequisites: Intermediate WWW Authoring, HTML, and CSS.

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    Picture of Judy Cannon
    ACC Employment Partnership
    by Judy Cannon - Tuesday, 12 September 2023, 3:07 PM

    Hi students,

    We were contacted by Akkodis, a recruiting company who is interested in hiring our IT students.

    Here is a link to their form - https://forms.office.com/e/tgB0WSKp80

    And a QR code to use to find out more...


    Picture of Judy Cannon
    Students Using ACC's Google Drive Feature
    by Judy Cannon - Wednesday, 2 August 2023, 9:54 AM
    Dear Riverbats, Within the past year, the Information Technology Department has been working to improve the availability and security of our Google Workspace Platform. With the addition of Panopto and with the direction of Student Services we will begin to standardize the Google Workspace ...Read the rest of this topic
    (265 words)

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